В Marui Type 89 аккумулятор расположен в цевье, как оказалось, не только у варианта со складным прикладом, но и у "весла" тоже. Японские братья-Кулибины устранили эту оплошность токийских инженеров, и выложили краткую статью с фотками, по которым и так всё ясно.
Previous in pre- it tried making 89 types O you cooperate stock battery drive.
It is designed in such a way that it can remove from the mechanic BOX rear section the cord/code. It abbreviates the internal photograph, but you take the cord/code basically with the same method and as M16 have turned. You use the 16G silicon cord/code, without using FET and the like it made normal wiring. You do not install the fuse.
Lower frame In order to pass through the cord/code from the mechanic BOX the lower frame rear section, Stock inner (NO.89-47) you installed and bored the hole of 6mm through immediate side of bolt.
The drill of 6o was made to penetrate in the same way to also stock inner. Unless it turns to the same position as the hole which was bored through the lower frame the cord/code does not pass well.
When really installing the mechanic BOX, while verifying whether the
hole has not come off, whether the cord/code passes, whether it does
not put the cord/code, it keeps advancing. The heat contraction tube is put to the one for scratch prevention in the cord/code.
The lower receiver and stock inner are locked with the screw. The head of the screw being last, you bored the hole for the cord/code through the position where it does not hit.
It passes through the cord/code to stock. The connector pushing under the partition plate of the battery holding down.
It is completion at above.
Originally, by the fact that the battery for drive is inserted in stock
of the extra battery inserting, completeness conversion of equipment
around hand guarding Being simple, fast battery exchange actualizes.
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